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We all know how important it is to be aware of acronyms or shortenings because this is how we talk to each other these days. However, if you are searching for the meaning of the acronym TS then you are at the right place. This is because, in this article, we will provide you with detailed information on the acronym TS.

Read the paragraphs below to dive into the details regarding What does TS Mean in Text. 

What Does TS Mean

What Does TS Mean

TS Stands For:

The acronym has several abbreviations. These include “Talk Soon, Tough S***, That S***, Top Secret, True Story, TypeScript, Technical Specification, and many more. If you are interested to know the meaning and the context in which the above-defined abbreviations of the acronym TS are used then read the paragraphs below

What Does TS Mean in Text:

TS is an acronym that has various abbreviations that are described above. However, below here we have provided you with the mean and the context in which the specific abbreviation is used. 

Talk Soon:

You may have already understood the meaning of this abbreviation of TS by reading it. However, this abbreviation is usually used to end the conversation whether it is on text or call.

Examples will help you to understand more.

  • George I talk to you later I have to go to my doctor’s right now. 

    You can use it to confirm your meeting with someone. 

  • Maria: I have an important thing to discuss with you. 

      Aleeha: Alright, I’m not at home right now TS.

Hope that examples will be found helpful to you.

Talk Soon

Talk Soon

Tough S***:

This abbreviation of the acronym is used when someone is in a bad situation and suffering in his/her life and you don’t have sympathy for him/her. In short, it is used to express your dismissal of someone’s problem.

For Example,

  • Friend: I didn’t even think that he will betray me.

      You: TS. I have already told you that he is not sincere to you but you never listened. 

That S***:

This abbreviation of the acronym is commonly used when you want to express to someone how much something is important in your life. In other words, it is used to emphasize something.

For instance, 

  • Have you seen TS. ( want to emphasize something to watch)
  • Have you watched TS yesterday. ( want to emphasize that he/she watched a movie or a TV show yesterday)

Top Secret:

The abbreviation is used to keep something private.

For instance, 

  • Manager: The boss has told me that our new project is a top secret. So, everybody make sure not to discuss it with anyone so that we can amaze everyone in the business world when the time comes. 

True Story:

This abbreviation is used when you are telling a story to someone and he/she is not believing you. 

For instance, 

  • You: I don’t understand why you guys do not believe me I have seen Mr. George with some drug dealers and it’s a TS. 


This abbreviation is commonly used by programmers.  They use it when they are talking about JAVA an important computer language for programming.

For Example, 

  • You: Have you TypeScript which the professor asked us to do?

        Friend: Not yet. But i’m still working on it. 

Technical Specification: The abbreviation of the TS is usually used by programmers and they use it while they are working on the development of new software and preparing the document in which every technical specification should be written for the solution of the later problems. 

  • Manager: The document that was sent to me for our new project does not have technical specifications. 

          You: I’ll add them within an hour.  

What Does TS Mean in Text?

In the text, the abbreviations of the acronym TS that are usually considered are Talk Soon or Tough S***. However, the consideration can also vary within the context.

As we have already discussed several times context plays an important role when you are talking with each other by using shortenings or acronyms. Hence, the same goes for the shortening TS. 

TS Meaning in Chat:

Chat is a term that is usually used in place of the word text. However, the words chat and the text almost have the same meaning with a little difference. The difference is that the word chat can be used whether you are talking to someone face to face or on text while the word text is used for discussion only through messages.

However, the meaning of the acronym TS in chat has the same explanation as it is in the Text. So, read the paragraph above if you still have any confusion. Hope that it might help you to understand the acronym TS meaning in the chat. 

What Does TS Mean Snapchat

What Does TS Mean Snapchat

What Does TS Mean Snapchat:

On Snapchat, the acronym TS is usually abbreviated as “That Snap”, “That Stuff” and “That S***”. The abbreviation That Snap is usually used to appreciate or admire a snap that you have taken. The abbreviation That Stuff is usually used to admire some content while the abbreviation That S*** is usually used to emphasize any specific thing, we have already conferred this before. However, even on Snapchat, the abbreviation can vary within the context you are talking to someone. 

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The whole conversation concludes that it is important to know about different acronyms and their abbreviations because today it is a style of talking with each other. Lastly, hope that the above-written article will be helpful to you in understanding the variation in the abbreviation and the meaning of the acronym TS across various contexts. 


What are the different abbreviations of the acronym TS?

Different abbreviations of the acronym TS include “Talk Soon, Tough S***, That S***, Top Secret, True Story, TypeScript, Technical Specification, and many more.

What is the abbreviation of the acronym TS usually considered in text?

The usually considered abbreviation of the acronym TS in the text is “That S*** and Talk Soon”.

What are the abbreviations of the acronym TS that are usually considered on Snapchat?

The abbreviations of the acronym TS that are usually considered on Snapchat are “That Snap”, “That Stuff” and “That S***”.

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