Today’s article is on a commonly used term but an exceptional one. You might be curious about what this is gonna be about. Don’t get stressed we are gonna disclose it in the next line. So, in today’s article, we will have a detailed discussion regarding the term “MashaAllah”. This article is going to be very helpful for those who don’t know about this term and are curious to know. On, the other hand, for the individuals who know about this term, this article is going to be helpful for them in the same way as for those who don’t know and want to know its means. This article will give you detailed information about the meanings of this word.
So, read the paragraphs below to dive into the details regarding the word “MashAllah” (Arabic: مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, romanized: mā shāʾa -llāhu) and MaShAllah meaning.

Mashallah Meaning
MashaAllah (Arabic: مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, romanized: mā shāʾa -llāhu) Origin:
According to the research, the term MashaAllah originated from Islamic culture and tradition. It is an Arabic phrase that is mostly used by Muslims worldwide.
What Kind of People Usually Use the Term MashaAllah:
The use of the term MashaAllah is not confined only to the Muslim community. Means to say, the word MashaAllah is not only used by Muslims. In different religions like in Jewish and Christianity people used to use this term. In addition, individuals who live in Muslim, Jewish, and Christian society used to use this term used to use this term even if he/she does not belong to that particular religion.
In What Countries the Term Mahallay is Widely Used:
As previously discussed the term MashaAllah is the term that is mostly used by Muslims hence the countries that are particularly known for being Muslim countries used to use this word widely. The countries include Turkey, Iran (Persia), Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, India (among Muslim communities), Bangladesh, and Afghanistan.
Is the Term MashaAllah Used in the Quran:
To make it clear to those who don’t know about the Quran it is stated that “ Quran is the holy book of Muslims that was revealed over the last and the most beloved prophet of Allah Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) for the for the guidance of mankind.” So, the answer to the question of whether the term MashaAllah is used in the Quran-e-Majid is yes.
According to the research it is coming to know that the term MashaAllah is used only in one surah among 114 surahs of the Quran. The surah name in which the term MashaAllah is used is named Al-Kahf in verse 39. However, in addition to the holy book Quran, the term MashaAllah is also used in a couple of Hadith.
Hadith is a recorded action and statement that is made by the Hoy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). Hadith are very sacred for Muslims.

What Does MashAllah Meaning
What Does MashAllah Meaning:
This single word MashaAllah is a combination of three different words. As previously discussed the word MashaAllah is an Arabic phrase hence according to the Arabic dictionary this word is a combination of three different words or parts. The first one is “Ma” the second is “Sha” while the third is “Allah”. Each of the words has a specific meaning which is then combined to make a single word. The word “Ma” means “What”, “Sha” means “to will” and “Allah” means “God”.
So, collectively the word MashaAllah means “it is what God willed” or “what God has willed”. Hope that it is clear now what the word MashaAllah exactly means.
What is the Difference Between the Word Mashallah & Ma sha Allah?
The words MashaAllah and Mashallah (Arabic: مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, romanized: mā shāʾa -llāhu) have the same meaning. The word Mashallah meaning “God’s will”and the term Ma sha Allah means “God has willed it”. The difference between them is that the word MashaAllah is more defined and used as the original spelling according to the Arabic dictionary. On the other hand, the word Mashallah is used in a normal and informal context.
This means that both words have the same meaning but have a slight difference in their use of context or situation and the way of deliverance. For example, if you are talking to an Arbi you will use the term MashaAllah and when you are talking to someone who is not an Arbi then it is your choice whether you want to write Ma sha Allah or Mashallah.
MashaAllah: When to Express It:
Above we have provided you with the information regarding the word MashaAllah what is its origin, what kind of people use it, is this word used in the Muslim book Holy Quran, and its meaning. Now, we are going to give you the answer to the most asked question about this word where to use this word and when. So, here is the answer. Read the below points to get to know at what particular moment the word Mahaallah is used.
To Show Thankfulness:
The word MashaAllah is used to show praise when something good happens in your life and someone’s other life. You might better understand it with examples.
Below here are some examples of how to use MashaAllah to show gratitude.
- MashaAllah my son’s health is getting better.
- MashaAllah she passed her exams with good grades.
- I had a really good day today MashaAllah.
- She tried hard and passed her CA exam MashaAllah.
Hope that the above-written examples will be helpful to you in understanding how the Arabic term MashaAllah is used to show gratefulness.

To Appreciate Something Beautiful:
The word MashaAllah is also used to appreciate whenever you see something beautiful and alluring. It can be anything like it can be a beautiful person, place, animal, bird, etc.
Examples will help you to understand its use in an admirable context in a better way.
- The sunset at Key West Florida is just amazing MashaAllah.
- Elena has very beautiful features MashaAllah.
- MashaAllah god has made this universe very beautiful.
- Animals are very beautiful creatures of Allah Almighty MashaAllah.
Hope that the above-written examples will be helpful to you in understanding how the Arabic term MashaAllah is used to show cherish towards something and how you really adore something beautiful or someone beautiful.
To Cherish Someone’s Success:
The Arabic phrase Mashaalah is also used to appreciate, or praise someone’s success or achievements. This word helps you to show that you are really happy at someone’s success.
The written examples below will help you to understand its use to commend someone in a better way.
- MashaAllah Hazel, you got really good grades this year.
- MashaAllah George has got a promotion this month.
- MashaAllah my son got a new job today.
- Mashaaah he is making a huge profit in his business.
Hope that the above-written examples will be helpful to you in understanding how the Arabic term MashaAllah is used to show appreciation or praise for someone’s accomplishments or attainments.
To Protect Against Evil Eye:
In Islam, there is a concept of the evil eye. Evil eye refers to the malicious gaze with which you look at someone and somebody looks at you. This concept is not only limited to humans but it also covers animals and nonliving things. However, Muslims for protection from the evil eye used to say MashaAllah whenever they look at someone or something beautiful.
For example, if someone is looking beautiful then according to the Muslim religion it is good to say MashaAllah so that it protects him/her from the evil eye. According to the Muslim concept evil eye can even kill someone so it is necessary to say MashaAllah whenever you see something or someone beautiful.
Below here are given some examples.
- MashaAllah, Alexander is looking so handsome.
- MashaAllah, your new car is very amazing.
- MashaAllah, your child is very intelligent.
Hope that the above-written examples will be helpful to you in understanding how the Arabic term MashaAllah is used to protect someone and something from the evil eye so that he/she does not bear loss and hardships in life.
Protection Against Jealousy & Jinns:
In addition to the protection, from the evil eye, the term Masahaallah is used to protect yourself or someone else from jealousy, and jinns. Jealousy we all know what it is. However, the concept of Jinns in Islam is very strong, and hence all Muslims strongly believe in the existence of the Jinns.
This is also because, in the holy book of the Muslim Quran, it is clearly stated multiple times that along with humans Jinns also exist. However, just like humans, there are also good and bad jinns. Moreover, according to the Muslims sometimes humans are attacked by jinns. It usually happens when someone does black Majic on a specific human to be attacked by the Jinn due to their jealousy issues. And sometimes it happens accidentally.
The written examples below will help you to understand the use of MashaAllah the protection against jealousy and Jinns in a better way.
- MashaAllah Elena is looking so beautiful today.
- MashaAllah John was the center of attention at the wedding.
- MashaAllah you were looking so beautiful that everybody was just looking at you today whether a girl or boy.
- Your house is very beautiful MashaAllah.
Hope that the above-written examples will be helpful to you in understanding how the Arabic term or phrase MashaAllah is used to protect yourself or someone else from jinns and jealousy.
How to Acknowledge when someone says MashaAllah?
There is no specific way of responding or replying when someone says MashaAllah. You can say “Thank You” to him/her when someone says MashaAllah to you. In addition, you can give a response to MashaAllah by saying the Arabic phrase “Jazakallah khair(an),” which means “may Allah reward you”.
The whole conversation concludes that saying MashaAllah is good if you are sincere to someone. However, above we have provided you with every detail regarding the term MashaAllah including its origin, where it is used, how to use it, its meaning, etc. Also, we have provided information regarding the concepts of Islam about jealousy, Jinns, and the evil eye. Hope that after reading the above-written article you will understand the term MashaAllah clearly and can use it in the appropriate place.
What is MashaAllah?
It is an Arabic phrase that is mostly used by Muslims worldwide. According to the Arabic dictionary, this word is a combination of three different words or parts(Arabic: مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, romanized: mā shāʾa -llāhu). The first one is “Ma” the second is “Sha” while the third is “Allah”. Each of the words has a specific meaning which is then combined to make a single meaning. The word “Ma” means “What”, “Sha” means “to will” and “Allah” means “God”. So, collectively the word MashAllah meaning “it is what God willed” or “what God has willed”.
Is the term Mashallah & MashaAllah are same?
Yes, the terms MashaAllah and Mashallah have the same meaning and are used for the same purpose. However, the thing that differentiates MashaAllah from Mashallah is their way of deliverance. The word MashaAllah is used in formal context while the term Mashallah is used in informal context.
How many times the word MashaAllah is used in the holy book of Muslims Quran-e-Majid?
According to the research it is coming to know that the term MashaAllah (Arabic: مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, romanized: mā shāʾa -llāhu) is used only in one surah among 114 surahs of the Quran. The surah name in which the term MashaAllah is used is Al-Kahf in verse 39.