Have you ever encountered the acronym KMS while conversing with friends over different social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc, and seeing a post in which the term is used? Don’t know the meaning of the acronym. Don’t worry we are here to provide you with all the details regarding the acronym KMS meaning.
Read the paragraphs below to dive into the details regarding the acronym KMS meaning in a text.

what is kms in text
KMS Origin:
The acronym KMS originated from a widely known social media app Twitter. It was in 2009, that people started using the acronym over Twitter while conversing with each other to express feelings or emotions of frustration, irritation, etc.
With time, the acronym got popularity and now this acronym is widely known and used over different social media platforms like Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc in addition to Twitter. You can say that anybody who has an account on social media hardly not knows about this acronym.
KMS Meaning:
KMS is the acronym that is used in an informal way to express frustration, embarrassment, irritation, etc over different social media platforms. It is abbreviated as Kill MySelf, or Kill Me Slowly.

KMS Urban Dictionary
KMS Urban Dictionary:
In the Urban Dictionary, the acronym KMS means the same as in a general context i.e., Kill MySelf and Kill Me Slowly.
Kill MySelf (KMS):
In Urban Dictionary, this abbreviation of the acronym KMS is used to show or express frustration, embarrassment, etc.
Kill Me Slowly (KMS): I
In Urban Dictionary, the abbreviation Kill Me Slowly of the acronym KMS is used to show exasperation, fed-upness, and annoyance from something slowly but badly affecting you.
What Kind of People Use the Acronym KMS:
This acronym is commonly used by teenagers in a comedic way or when they are feeling bad over something. The abbreviation Kill MySelf of acronym KMS is used by teenagers when they are really feeling bad and have a bad day and get scolded by their teacher or parents, or get embarrassed over something and hide something from their parents.
On the other hand, the abbreviation of the acronym Kill Me Slowly is used by teenagers usually to express the same feelings which were for Kill MySelf but the use of this abbreviation is commonly considered when something goes on in your life you cannot dismiss, cannot get rid of it.
However, the use of these acronyms is not restricted to teenagers even adults usually use them usually with their friends or anybody else with whom they are frank enough to express their emotions.

What does KMS Mean on Snapchat
What does KMS Mean on Snapchat:
On Snapchat, which is a widely known and used social media platform because of the features it offers to its users including, posting stories, taking pictures using different filters, and making friends from all over the world, etc the acronym KMS with both of its abbreviations Kill MySelf and kill Me Slowly are commonly used but in an informal but a comedic way. Examples will help you to understand in a better way:
Kill MySlef (KMS) Examples:
The examples for using the acronym KMS in an informal way on Snapchat with friends are given below:
- I am going to be 18 years old soon and have to be independent. KMS.
- That cute girl did not respond to me yet. KMS.
- I am getting burdened by my University work. KMS.
Hope that the above-written examples help you to understand the meaning and the use of the acronym KMS with its abbreviation Kill MySelf in a better way.
Kill Me Slowly:
The examples for using the acronym KMS in an informal way on Snapchat are given below:
- My part-time job with my studies is KMS.
- With the burden of work, I have had for the last week I didn’t sleep well and it is KMS that my situation is going to continue for a few more weeks.
- I have to see my crush with someone else every day in the College and it is KMS.
Hope that the above-written examples help you to understand the meaning and the use of the acronym KMS with its abbreviation Kill Me Slowly in a better way.
Hope that you understand how both of the abbreviations Kill MySelf and Kill Me Slowly of the acronym KMS are used to express the same feelings such as frustration, annoyance, etc but each of them is used in a different context and in a different way.
What is KMS in Text:
In the text, the acronym KMS is used to express the same feeling but the scenarios can be different. For example, until now we have been discussing only one phase meaning of the acronym KMS which was its use in a comedic manner. But it’s not the every time. Sometimes the acronym is also used to express your true feelings for instance, you will take your life, in short, suicide. Examples will help you to understand in a better way.
What is KMS
Kill MySelf (KMS):
The instances are given below:
- If I will not be able to pass my entry exam KMS.
- KMS because everybody is against me and every situation is going against me and I cannot handle it anymore.
- KMS if Sara wed to another guy.
Hope that the above-written examples help you to understand the meaning and the use of the acronym KMS with its abbreviation Kill MySelf in a better way in a serious or a suicide scenario.
Kill Me Slowly (KMS):
The instances for a better understanding of yours in a better way:
- My job issues are KMS.
- I took poisoning pills which are KMS.
- The situation through which I am going is KMS.
Hope that the above-written examples help you to understand the meaning and the use of the acronym KMS with its abbreviation Kill Me Slowly in a better way in a serious or a suicide scenario.
However, below is an example in which both of the abbreviations of the acronym have been used to express your emotions and your intentions for suicide.
- Separation from her is already KMS (Kill Me Slowly) now there is no use of my life I will KMS (Kill MySelf).
- The separation of my parent from me KMS (Kill Me Slowly). I cannot tolerate distance from them KMS (Kill MySelf).
Hope that you understand how both of the abbreviations Kill MySelf and Kill Me Slowly of the acronym KMS are used to express the same feelings such as frustration, annoyance, etc but each of them is used in a different context and in a different way even in a suicidal manner and how both of them can be used together.
What Does KMS Mean in a Text Message:
In a text message, the abbreviations of the acronym KMS which are Kill MySelf or Kill Me Slowly can be used to express frustration, anger, and embarrassment both in a comedic and suicidal manner. It totally depends on the context in which the particular person is using the acronym KMS.
For instance, if the person is just tired of everyday routine and using the acronym while conversing about his/her problems in daily life in a normal way then he/she is using it in a comedic way or manner. But, if someone, is seriously going through a phase of life that is devastating for him/her and has written KMS in a text message then it means that he/she is not in senses and may do something to himself/herself.
What Does KMS Mean in Text Talk:
In text talk, the acronym KMS with its abbreviations Kill MySelf and Kill Me Slowly is used in the same way and has the same meaning as in text messages. Because text talk and text message have the same meanings it’s just different words that have been used.
Hope that you understood the meaning and the context in which each of the abbreviations of the acronym KMS is used and how the context changes the manner in which each of its abbreviations conveys.
The whole conversation concludes that the use of acronyms while conversing is going to increase so, we should learn the meaning of different acronyms and how they can be used in different contexts. Lastly, hope that the above-written article regarding in detailed meaning of the acronym KMS will be helpful to you.
What is KMS and when it is used?
KMS is an acronym that is abbreviated as Kill MySelf and Kill Me Slowly. The acronym is commonly used to express frustration, exasperation, annoyance, etc.
How to Respond when someone uses the acronym KMS?
If someone uses it in a comedic or normal manner then you can respond to him/her normally and can make fun of whatever the other person is saying. But if someone is serious or facing difficult times in life and not mentally stable due to some circumstances then you should console and support him/her emotionally and should stop him/her from taking such a serious step.
Give examples of how both abbreviations Kill MySelf and Kill Me Slowly of the acronym KMS can be used together in a suicidal manner.
Examples are given below:
- Separation from her is already KMS (Kill Me Slowly) now there is no use of my life I will KMS (Kill MySelf).
- The separation of my parent from me KMS (Kill Me Slowly). I cannot tolerate distance from them KMS (Kill MySelf).
- The circumstances of my life KMS (Kill Me Slowly). I cannot live like this anymore. I will KMS( Kill MySelf).