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In the world of the internet, social media has been filled with shorthand terms and innovative memes. Oftentimes, you might come across the slang term Bomboclat while chatting with someone or while scrolling on different social media apps. You would be curious to know the meaning behind the term and for what purpose the term is being used specifically. And if while searching you have come across our site then don’t worry you are at the right place.

I’m gonna disclose all the necessary details about the slang term Bomboclat in this article!



Bomboclat Meaning:

Let’s talk about Bomboclat meaning! Many times, you might have come across the dialect  “Bomboclat” while scrolling through social media apps and watching TikTok videos. You must have endured text messages or captions saying “Bomboclat” on social media apps such as  Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram Twitter etc. You might not be familiar with the meaning of the term “Bomboclat” But! Don’t worry! I’m gonna disclose “Bomboclat meaning” in different contexts! Be with me!

Bomboclat is known as Jamaican slang that is used for expressing frustration, dismay and shock. The slang word Bomboclat is a combination of two words “Bombo” and “clat”. The meaning of bombo is referred to as “Butt” and the meaning of class is termed as “cloth” So! The Jamaican slang word “Bomboclat” can be interpreted as a “Butt cloth”.

A “Butt cloth” is a term used for toilet paper or menstrual pads! So, the slang term Bomboclat refers to something as dirty as a menstrual pad! This slang word is used for insulting someone and abusing him as “motherfucker” or “douchbag”

How to use Bomboclat: 

Let’s know about how we can use the slang term Bomboclat! You can use Bomboclat to convey frustration, anger, dismay and shock! You can use Bomboclat when you are feeling low. Whenever you are surprised or overwhelmed, you can use this slang term for relieving stress. This slang can also be used at the place of OMG, Damn!, Fuck!, and Wow!

How to use Bomboclat

How to use Bomboclat

I would like to share some quick examples here to illustrate how we use the slang term Bomboclat in different contexts!

  • Bomboclat! Our team has won the match today!
  • Bomboclat! I have failed in my exam! What would I tell my parents now?
  • My sister was complaining about me in front of my mother! She is such as Bomboclat liar!

You can use the term Bomboclat when you wanna disrespect someone or you wanna seriously insult them! Have you ever experienced that someone has cut off your car or he went away without apologizing? Or you might have had an instance when someone would be teasing you! Well! These are the stances where the use of this slang would be appropriate. It would be equivalent to saying “motherfucker” or “douchebag” 

If you perfectly know the meaning of Bomboclat, you can come up with this slang for insulting someone! It would be rather a creative way of insulting!

Let me explain the meaning of Bomboclat by giving some quick examples here:

  • He’s the true definition of Bomboclat!
  • You may get out of my room! You Bomboclat!
  • Always think before speaking to me! You Bomboclat!

The slang acronym Bomboclat can also be used as a caption with a reaction image on social media. This way Bomboclat is being used on Twitter and other social media platforms.

What Does Bomboclat Means:

Let’s get into detail “What does Bomboclat mean?” Well! Bomboclat is a Jamaican slang term that is used to refer to something dirty or to abuse someone. The word Bomboclat is translated as a butt cloth which is a menstrual cloth that women use during their periods. This interjection is used for expressing dismay, disgust, stress, shock or any other intense feelings!

What Does Bomboclat Means

What Does Bomboclat Means

I would like to share some examples of the slang term Bomboclat to get in the context:

  • Bomboclat! I just wanna leave this place!
  • Bomboclat! I didn’t expect you in this party!
  • Bomboclat! I’ve missed the party tonight!

Bomboclat as an Insult:

When the slang term Bomboclat is termed as a noun then it indicates an insult with frustration and anger. This slang is not considered respectful in Caribbean and Jamaican households. As for insulting someone, this slang can be used when you are upset or frustrated by someone. Let me explain the meaning of this term in this context by sharing some quick examples here:

  • That Bomboclat cheated me!
  • You Bomboclat! Just give me my clothes back!
  • Behave Yourself! You’re just behaving like such a Bomboclat!

Bomboclat is a Curse Word:

The Jamaican slang Bomboclat is also known as a curse word that is interpreted as “suck” or “fuck”. In this context, the slang is known as saying Fuck or suck in English. This can be used as an exclamation, adjective, verb or noun. This slang is translated as “I’m fucked” as a curse word. Although, it doesn’t sound good you can use this slang with your age fellows and with people younger than you! Let me explain the meaning of Bomboclat as a curse word by giving some quick examples here!

  • He is such a Bomboclat idiot!
  • Bomboclat! I have lost my phone.
  • My Bomboclat! I have dropped my watch in that party!



Let’s know more about Bomboclat! “Bomboclat” is a Jamaican Patois slang term that is frequently utilized as an interjection or a solid expression of astonishment, stun, or dissatisfaction. It’s comparable to saying “hell” or “damn” in standard English. 

The slang term Bomboclat originated in the 17th century from Jamaican Patois. In the 17th century, the African people crafted a language that was a mix of Creole influences, African dialects and broken English. They composed a language that could be used for communicating between all of these communities!

 Bomboclat was an emerging word in those days and it referred to a padded dirty cloth that women used to wear during their menstrual period! It was translated as a “butt cloth”.

The term Bomboclat was being used as an insulting word after that and it stemmed from the Rasta religion. According to the Old Testament from the Bible, some of the Rastafarians had the conviction that sleeping with a woman who’s having her menstrual period is considered sinful or impure! From there, Bomboclat was considered an insulting and dirty slang word.

After that! The Jamaican residing in New York started using this slang instead of “Bullshit” in the year 1980s. After that, it went into the mainstream and Americans also started using this slang for interpreting as “motherfucker” in the 80s and 90s.

Although, it is not considered appropriate to use this slang term in our daily conversation. I’m Caribbean and Jamaican culture, the slang word Bomboclat is interpreted as a disrespectful and vulgar word, among older people more specifically! This term must not be part of the everyday conversation! However, if someone has been extremely frustrated or angry, he can use this slang to some extent. 

There’s a fact to know that you can be arrested by the police if you have used this slang for any police officer. Moreover, you can be dismissed from the school even, if you have used this term the formal settings! 

Related terms to Bomboclat: 


There’s a slang term “Bloodclaat” related to the slang “Bomboclat”. This is also known as Jamaican slang for cursing someone! The meaning of Bloodclaat refers to a “blood cloth” which refers to a sanitary pad of a woman. As we know the menstrual cycle is considered dirty in Jamaican culture! So, bloodlust is used to refer to someone dirty as the menstrual period of a woman.

Suck yuh mada:

There’s another slang term related to Bomboclat which is known as “suck yuh mada”  in Jamaican culture. This slang term is translated as “suck your mother” in English. This is also vulgar slang which is not recommended for daily conversation! This term is offensive to the extreme and it refers to performing sex orally to someone’s mother! If you want to say to someone “suck yuh mada” it would probably result in a fight! 

So! It is suggested to ignore this kind of slang word!


Summing up the discussion, it has been concluded that Bomboclat is known as Jamaican slang that is used for expressing frustration, dismay and shock. The slang word Bomboclat is a combination of two words “Bombo” and “clat”. The meaning of bombo is referred to as “Butt” and the meaning of clat is termed as “cloth” So! The Jamaican slang word “Bomboclat” can be interpreted as a “Butt cloth”. It will be significant to consider that what is the origin of the term Bomboclat!

FAQ’s :

What is the origin of the term Bomboclat?

The slang term Bomboclat originated in the 17th century from Jamaican Patois. In the 17th century, the African people crafted a language that was a mix of Creole influences, African dialects and broken English.

Is Bomboclat an appropriate word to use in formal settings?

No! This is an abusive word! This is inappropriate to use in formal settings.

What are the different interpretations of the slang term Bomboclat?

  • Frustration 
  • Annoyance 
  • Excitement 
  • Expression of shock or surprise
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Halle BerryHalle BerryNovember 18, 2024

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